Lesson 3 de 18
In Progress

Lesson 3: Know the job market

Do you know what the job market currently demands?

Welcome to the “Know Your Market” lesson. In this lesson, you will learn about the different sectors
economic generators of employment and their recruitment trends and future and present positions with the greatest professional demand today.

You will be able to address your professional objective and you will know the emerging sectors and the professions most in demand, we will present you later in module 2 with opportunities and resources for a possible professional reinvention and which one is the best that can be adapted to you.

What are the emerging sectors?

The social changes that were already taking place in a globalized world and the transformations that are taking place producing as a consequence of COVID and the full implementation of teleworking, will change the labor landscape that you are going to face.

The application of new technologies in the daily life of the company is an aspect that we consider very positive. In this context, it is necessary to know the trends of change in employment, the
qualifications and professional profiles that offer more job opportunities and have more
future projection.

We want you to know the different economic sectors that generate employment, their trends
of hiring and the professional opportunities that they generate, even in a superficial way. The course also aims to make it easier for you to make decisions when focusing on a career or
professional itinerary. Of course, we will give you alternatives in sectors, occupations and skills
demanded and in opportunities directed exclusively to the young public. The course also aims to encourage creativity and a greater openness to professional changes, favoring a
professional reinvention or an adaptation to a more digital environment.

But what is this “labor market”?

You’re going to hear it a lot in the videos. When you hear “labour market” or “labour market” it is the same. It can be defined as “the set of market relationships between employers and people who
They are looking for paid work for others.

It is an external concept, which does not depend on you. When we look for a job, we first find ourselves with the unknown of the market, infinite and complex, and we don’t know where to start to dissect it in order to see what interests us and detect opportunities for our professional objective. And even more so, if we take into account that you are young and that you lack experience.

You have to understand the job market well, analyze it and position yourself strategically in it. We are not going to ask you to understand macroeconomic data, that is not the objective. Our goal is that you view it by sectors and finally you stay with the plot that interests you the most: your sector, your profession. And from there it will be easier to focus your job search, consider your professional objective, and
even direct you to the Companies that interest you the most.

A good starting point to find out about the labor market is to see the job offers that we see published by companies. Through these offers, we try to guess what companies are looking for both in training and in technical requirements and/or skills. This way I can prepare the exercise that we will ask you for later, when you start to do a SWOT.

The Labor Market is divided into occupations and economic activities organized by sectors.

 National Classification of Economic Activities: The labor market is divided into Economic Activities that are included in the CNAE (National Classification of Economic Activities) which is like the “adjective” of Companies. Economic activities are organized by sectors. For example: Health Sector, Environment Sector, Logistics Sector, Services Sector. The CNAE helps us to determine the sector in which I am most interested in working.
 National Classification of Occupations: In the labor market there are also occupations that are included in the C.N.O (National Classification of Occupations) which is like the DNI of the professions. In this classification we can find all the professions that perform
in Spain.

A reliable source of information is the SEPE (State Public Employment Service) www.sepe.es where we can also access the Observatory of Occupations. This Observatory allows us to see month by month the evolution of the different contracts to examine how the labor market is changing, specifically in economic activities and occupations.

And now after COVID19 and with inflation?

If at the end of 2020 we were already in a period of change, even economically in Spain, get an idea of the profound changes that COVID19 and the current inflation crisis have brought about.

The labor market that we have described above has never been the same. On the contrary, it has always been in permanent change and is not going to stop its evolution. This is important to keep in mind
when we start to get into it.

If in 2008 we faced a crisis that has taken many jobs, on the other hand, others have emerged, but this comes from a few years ago. In 2021-2022 the same thing will happen. In some sectors it will subtract but in others they will add. You have to be prepared for those changes.

Throughout history we have already experienced several crises or revolutions, which are nothing more than moments of transition from one era to another: the so-called “industrial revolutions”. At this time, we are going for the fourth, that of the Internet Age, and you cannot and should not be left out.

Although we are not going to mark it as an extra exercise in this module, you should also do a SWOT of the labor market in your professional field, so that you can identify Weaknesses, Threats, Strengths and Opportunities in this way. Even in sectors as punished as the cultural and tourism sector, new opportunities and business models are going to open up.

We can broadly specify a little more what is already coming not only to Spain, but to the rest of the world:

  • In all jobs there is an adaptation of new technologies and the Internet.
  • New jobs are appearing due to new needs of society, especially linked to technology
  • A very good prospect of job creation in the environmental sector, circular economy, etc… opens up.
  • Language development and international experience are valued, as well as versatility in employment.
  • Greater presence of women at work.
  • The hierarchical structures of the companies are succeeding the networking of collaborators.
  • Greater labor flexibility (teleworking, working conditions, projects, mobility)
  • Sectors with a promising future


The “Green Deal” launched by the European Union is going to be the great incentive for this sector, which will also occupy other sectors transversally due to the environmental implications that exist.

When we talk about green employment, we refer to the environmental care sector and renewable energy. It is the latter that the prospects are very good. It is a sector
characterized by economic and environmental relations.
Its objectives, among others, are to prevent, control and reduce the damage caused to the environmental ecosystem and avoid the depletion of resources, promoting healthy habits and the circular economy.
It is a sector that cuts across other economic sectors, just like new technologies. These two emerging sectors are going to push all the others and boost their own economic growth based on these and other variables.

The related professional families are Agrarian, Environment and Security and Energy and Water.


When we talk about ICT, we refer to the sector of New Technologies, Communications and Information Technology.
We live in a hyperconnected world, between people and devices we communicate and learn differently, through social networks, we live in a continuous digital revolution, towards the Internet of Things and Big Data. Today, data is considered the “new gold”.

This sector is revolutionizing all others. All sectors are digitizing to grow and evolve. Apps, electronic stores, websites, social networks, home automation, data and information processing,… mean that the scenario of any worker is changing rapidly and there is no going back.

This sector is revolutionizing all others. All sectors are digitizing to grow and evolve. Apps, electronic stores, websites, social networks, home automation, data and information processing,… mean that the scenario of any worker is changing rapidly and there is no going back.

They say that approximately 60% of the positions that will be held in 2030 by students who
Currently studying in 1st grade, they have not yet been created, and we believe that they will follow the line of ICT.

This sector of New Technologies, Information Technology and Communications covers three large areas of professional development:
 Development of computer applications
 Computer systems and telematics
 Communications

There is a great use of new technologies in Spain, we lead the European Union in the use of

In the internet age, everything is for sale. From traditional marketing linked to commerce and consumption we have taken the step to digital marketing. New business activities such as Search Engine Optimization and new professions such as e-Business consultant (professional who analyzes the needs of a company via the Internet and social networks and attracts customers through the network) are being created.

There are two major professional areas:
 Commercialization: activities of commerce, consumption, marketing and market research.
 Logistics and transport: supply, storage, commercial distribution, wholesale and retail trade,…

Among the important economic activities of this emerging sector, we find: the activities
of commerce, market research, transport logistics, reaching electronic commerce and consumer activities.


Spain has an increasingly aging population and one of the highest longevity rates in the world. For years the sociodemographic growth pyramid has been inverted. The volume of older people is higher than the total (there is greater life expectancy).

Therefore, the aging of the population is generating a great demand for qualified professionals to provide attention and care to this entire sector of the population and in various sectors of activity:
Health, Socio-Cultural and Proximity Services, among others. And there is an opportunity: the lack of qualified professionals to serve this entire sector.


All economic activity always needs administration and management. It is a sector that has evolved thanks to digital transformation. Now the digital model is almost implanted in the daily environment. We are referring to the professional family of administration and management, offices, archives and
documentation, reception. The computer has replaced paper. It affects all sectors since it is
cross all of them. Any company of any economic activity has an administration and management support.