Lesson 13 de 18
In Progress

Lesson 13: How to make a Curriculum, tips and what to avoid

Before you start you need…

Example of a good CV, clean, clear and concise.

What is a CV and what is it for? It serves to introduce you to the employer. The objective is to get an interview and then concentrate your strengths in it. The CV must highlight the aspects most appropriate to the job position you are applying for, easy to read, orderly, clean and eye-catching.

To know how to make a resume, first analyze and answer these questions:

Who do I send it to? A publishing house is not the same as a theater, find out well about which cultural company you send it to, are you sure you fit in based on your experience? Are you the one they are looking for?

What position is offered? Read carefully the offer of employment/Internships/volunteering and see if you really fit what they ask for. There is nothing worse than losing not only the company’s time, but also your own, because at this time, your time is gold and you should dedicate it to focusing on what you really need.

Am I ready for that offer? Be honest with yourself and see if you fit the requirements they ask for. If they ask for a high level of English and you don’t have it, you better find a scholarship to study or work abroad or read our tips for learning languages abroad.

Tips on how to make a resume

– Use various CV templates, it is not the same to work in a cultural association as in a company and also highlight what may be of interest to whoever you give it to (for this, read the offer carefully).

– Mention the achievements made in your previous jobs, not just what you have learned.

– Try to orient your periods of unemployment or inactivity in a positive way, for example if you have taken a computer course while you were collecting unemployment, you can say in your CV or in the same interview “while I was unemployed I oriented my training and knowledge towards the use of new computer tools”. Be positive and don’t talk about the failures and problems you’ve had at work. Try to speak in positive language in the CV, you are your best salesperson and you must know how to sell yourself better than anyone.

– It reflects other experiences you have had: for example, if you have been a volunteer for some time, if you have lived abroad, if you collaborate with a group or association… they show your motivations, abilities and concerns very well.

– Knowing how to write a resume is also knowing how to take care of its design, layout, justification, etc…

– Put an updated, positive photo with a neutral background. If you have a bad photo, better not post it. There is a lot of debate here about whether or not it is good to put the photo, because you will be judged by your physical appearance that you show in the photo. It doesn’t matter, they’re going to judge you the same in the interview, let’s not fool ourselves. We judge constantly and better sooner than later.

– Transfer it to PDF (it looks more beautiful and professional).

– Always have your CV ready and available on the internet, for example by forwarding it to your email account and archiving it, uploading it to the internet on free servers such as Dropbox.

– Mention job or academic references at the end (and by the way, also get references in writing and from professional networks). Be careful because the “reference” (someone can assert your professionalism and value) is not the same as the “recommendation” (finger).

What you should not do if you want to know how to make a resume

Do not lie: there is nothing worse than catching someone lying on their CV. If you state that you have a high level of English, you should be prepared for the interview to be done in English. Be careful, do not fall short in your skills and knowledge either, it is as dangerous to put in the CV that “you are going to minister” as it is not to reflect what you really know or know.

– Do not include photos or CVs that are very heavy in capacity

Do not go beyond the two sheets, if you have many courses, presentations or publications, summarize them! It also demonstrates your capacity for synthesis. You can put at the end that you can expand information in the interview. It’s about being short, concise and direct.

Do not abuse the bold, underlined and extravagant designs with too many colors (unless you send it to a design studio, it is not valid in 90% of cases).

Do not record macros, do not attach executable files (an .exe file for example).

Do not send it by hand (unless you are asked to do so).

Beware of misspellings, it seems incredible, but many misspellings creep in and we, cultural professionals, cannot allow those “mistakes” ;o))))

– Do not forget to attach a cover letter always, always and always.

– If you print it, never double-sided.

Do not use abbreviations or codes that may be unknown to companies.

Do not forget to mention the code and reference of the offer and where you have seen it published.

Do I put a photo on the CV?

The eternal doubt means exposing yourself to showing your face, being discriminated against, being judged, etc. but we are of the opinion to always put it, except if you put a bad photo, then it is better not to put anything. Here are some tips:

Convey your personality: Think about your “good side” and focus on it.

Smile slightly: do not smile too much, you can give the wrong image.

Take care of your clothes: it depends on your work context, dress appropriately.

Get a good frame and choose a good background: take the photo from slightly high angles and slightly to the side

Contextualize the portrait: do it in an environment that is not too recognizable or obvious. For example, in a work environment similar to what awaits you.

Take advantage of ambient light: Lighting should be soft and diffuse.

Best in the morning or in the afternoon: Sunlight during sunrise and sunset is much better if you take it outdoors

If your appearance changes, update your CV photo: you must be recognizable in the interview

If you don’t have a good photo, don’t put anything.

“Personal information”

put your full name

It is not necessary to put your full address, but if the postal code and the town

Put only one phone number, separated by spaces, for example “637 89 77 91”.

If you are looking for a job abroad, enter the country code +34

Your email must be serious, please don’t use a silly email like “ilovebeyonce@gmail.com”

Put your date of birth

It is not necessary to put nationality, unless you have a NIE or you are looking abroad

Do not put marital status

If you have a good profile in social or professional network put it

Make a hyperlink from your email and your social network/blog/web

Training and work experience

First the training, with dates and university (if you have a good record, put a final grade)

Put the most important ones, if you have a Master’s you do not need to put your baccalaureate

Work experience from most recent first to oldest last

If you lack experience, include the practices here

If you do not have an internship, include volunteering (if you have done so)

Include personal achievements or quantify your experience (“I served 200 customers a day as a supermarket cashier”)

Try to turn your experience into data, quantify your achievements

If you have a lot of experience, highlight the ACHIEVEMENTS achieved

Highlight if while you were working you have continued training

Personal skills

Usually the great forgotten. Name the ones you have: social skills, positive attitude, ease of communication, confidence, problem solving, adaptability, self-motivation, leadership, teamwork, customer orientation, etc.

Hack your CV

CV title that defines you as a professional

Multiple versions (select and highlight)

Convert it to PDF

Name it efficiently “CV.CarlosPerez.Systems Analyst.pdf”

Work/residence abroad (mature and autonomous person)

Do not send the CV several times (insecure and nervous person)

Mention availability to travel, used to changes, flexibility (if you are)

One sheet better than two (capacity for synthesis and easier for the reader)

Do not highlight negative aspects (why did you leave your previous job?)

Not lie

If the offer slides it, put hobbies and interests

Upload it to professional networks

Take care of your wording and spelling mistakes

And always accompanied by the motivation letter

Example: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LYb5Kpc3C9BXXN0CxpZBjj9FKwEg9xhVOoQycCMi_ns/edit?usp=sharing

Complement your resume.

Humanize your candidacy.

Make your persuasion and communication skills known.

Indicate that you are interested in a certain job position.

Indicate that you are available for a job offer.

Show the knowledge you have about the company or brand.

Indicate interest in a specific job offer.

Do not forget to indicate an offer code (if any)

Direct it to the company

investigate the company

Bring out the best in you

Use bold, but without abusing

Doubts about how to make a resume?

Remember that you have the possibility to ask us about this and other topics, where you can share your experiences and answer your questions.